Choosing Your Domain Name and Deciding Which Extension to Use

The Internet's domain name system (DNS) is an address to refer to websites. This name, also called a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the location online where your audience can find your website. The domain name you choose for your website describes your online presence and what your website is about.

The Family Tree

The beginning of a website address is the World Wide Web or www dot. After the beginning, are the second-level domain and the top-level domain. Each level is unique to the website itself.

The second-level domain is the name which you will name your website, such as "website name". This name needs to describe your website or the purpose of your website. You need to create a name easy to remember.

The top-level domain is a name you choose from a list. You do not create this name. This is often called a generic domain (gTLD). The most popular domain extensions online are:.COM,.NET,.ORG,.US,.EDU,.MIL, and many others. You website name may be something like, "website ". Let's take a closer look at these extensions.

o.COM - this extension was created for commercial sites. Companies in the marketplace doing business transactions online choose this name. However, during the nineties people began grabbing up this extension because it was trendy. Numerous people have saved dot com addresses, to the point there are not many left. This domain name may be registered without restriction.

o.NET - was created for companies on a network. However, when people cannot find the dot com name they want, they usually choose a dot net for their website domain. This domain name may be registered without restriction.

o.ORG - is reserved for not-for-profit organizations. Churches, charities, and healthcare organizations usually use this domain extension. This domain name may be registered without restriction.

o.US  - Dot US names are part of country names. (Banks usually used this extension). Dot GOV indicates a governmental site. Another government extension is , which indicates the presidential websites. This extension is restricted.

o.EDU - indicates an educational system. This domain name is restricted to only websites dedicated to higher education, such as universities.

o.MIL - this extension is dedicated to the United States military forces and is restricted for public use.

In 2001 and 2002, four new top-level domain names were created by the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). These new names are:.BIZ,.INFO,.NAME, AND PRO. Dot Biz is for businesses, Dot Info is for informational websites. Dot Name is for real or fictional name or personal pages. Dot Pro is for professional websites such as lawyers, accountants, and physicians.


A website name should be as unique as its creator. Dot Com, Dot Net, and Dot Org are the only top-level names you can choose from, so make your website address applicable to the purpose of your website.