Domain Monetization

Internet brings to your laptop several different ways to make money. Domain Monetization is one of the ways in which you can earn money. Unlike any other methods like blogging, content writing, transcription, or data entry, this is not something you update everyday or spend a whole lot of time in. Interestingly this method is earning a lot of income for people pursuing it.

Domain Monetization

How it works

You start by buying a domain name. For domain monetization you cannot just choose any name but something that is unique and sellable. Once you have a domain then for this monetization you can choose to sell it to individuals or companies looking for a this monetization, lease the domain for a period, or just park the domain with ads. How much you can make depends totally on what you want to do with your domains. The two website monetization strategies are domain selling and domain parking.

Buying and Selling.

Some do it as a full time job to just buy and sell domains. This does require constant investment of time and money. You buy a domain name at a small price say seven dollars, register it, and sell it based on its sell-able factors ad demand even for millions of dollars. This strategy requires you to have web skills and offers potential for huge profits. You make money by selling and not using the domain. If you think your domain is not in demand to be sold for a whole lot of profit then you can hold on to it for a time, make money by parking it with ads, and then sell it.

Domain Parking

Unlike in buying and selling you don't require a constant investment in this parking. This is passive website monetization compared to selling. You can choose to set up a pool of domains or just one. Then you sell the ad space to companies and marketing agencies on your page. Whenever some visitor clicks the ads on your page you get money. Some companies pay you monthly for their ads.
Choosing domain name.