Struggling to find a way to make money?
There are a lot of ideas on the internet. You usually spend a a lot of time and money trying to find the right solution to to have an income or even some extra money. I know it is not easy. I have been there myself.
Have you heard of the public domain or even a public domain book?
Thereis a little known secret that some people are making a lot of money,but don't talk a lot about. There is actually a lady that took a well known book and turned into a movie. This movie made her about 40 million. The book was Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This was a public domain book.
You don't have to make a movie, but the idea is that the resources are available at no cost to make yourself some or a lot of money. The "public domain" is basically books that have an expired or no copyright on at all. It is really that easy! With these books you can you can turn them into an audio. Turn the audio into a video. you can turn the book into a home study course, cd's, manuals and even membership sites. The limits are endless. Are you starting to have some ideas?
Use your imagination and you can use this little known secret to your benefit! You can make a video using Microsoft Powerpoint and Camtasia studio. If you have trouble with writing or any other part you can find help at Elance for usually a small fee.
I hope this helped give you some ideas. Use this to your advantage and just go out and do it!
You don't have to make a movie, but the idea is that the resources are available at no cost to make yourself some or a lot of money. The "public domain" is basically books that have an expired or no copyright on at all. It is really that easy! With these books you can you can turn them into an audio. Turn the audio into a video. you can turn the book into a home study course, cd's, manuals and even membership sites. The limits are endless. Are you starting to have some ideas?
Use your imagination and you can use this little known secret to your benefit! You can make a video using Microsoft Powerpoint and Camtasia studio. If you have trouble with writing or any other part you can find help at Elance for usually a small fee.
I hope this helped give you some ideas. Use this to your advantage and just go out and do it!