The Domain Name I Want Is Taken - What Do I Do?

Don't get too stressed out when the domain name you want is already taken as this happens all the time. You come up with the perfect domain name for a website or business idea only to find someone else already has it registered. Or, even worse, you decide to make a website for your existing small business only to find the domain name that coincides with your business name is already taken. It certainly is frustrating but what can you do about it?

The Domain Name I Want Is Taken - What Do I Do?

Check the website

Go ahead and visit the website associated with the domain name and check for a couple of things. First thing to note is if there is even a website the domain directs to. If not perhaps the current owner has lost interest in the domain. Secondly take note if the domain your interested in is simply a secondly or re-direct domain. When you type in the domain and the website loads look at the address bar of your browser. If the domain name is different than what you typed in chances are the current owner is using it simply as a re-direct.

Trying negotiating directly with the current owner

If there is website already created for the domain search around for some contact information and contact the owner. If there is not a website, and all you see is a blank or parking page without contact information, look up the domain name in the WhoIs Directory (sort of an internet with directory of who owns what domains). See if you can open a line of communication to see if the current owner might be interested in selling it. You never know unless you ask, right?

Back Order the domain

Most Domain Registrars offer a "Back Order" service for a fee. This allows you to put a sort of hold on the domain in the hopes that it comes back on the market at some point in the future. Again, visit WhoIs Directory to find out the next renewal time for that domain. Keep in mind that putting a Back Order on a domain does not in anyway guarantee you'll get it. What it does do is give you a shot at it in a future auction.

Choose something similar

If all else fails consider looking for similar or related names. For example if your small business is "Bob's Bike Shop" but that domain is already taken perhaps look into something like "Bike Shop Bob" or "Anytown Bike Shop" or the like. You can make small changes such as adding "the" or "a" to the front of the domain as well.

Take Away

Don't get discouraged when you find that the domain name you want is already taken. The internet is a big place so just step back, adjust and see what you can come up with. You might end up liking your second attempt better than the first!