Domain names (DN) are alphabetic names used to refer to computers on the Internet and contain a suffix such ,.org,.gov, .
A Registrant (end user) usually registers DN through a Registrar. (Hosting companies act as registrars)
• Each name is unique.
• Propagation time for new registrations is 24-72 hours.
• WHOIS maintenance is the sole responsibility of the Registrant.
• WHOIS database will indicate the following important information:
• The Registrant
• Expiration Date
• Status
• Authoritative Name Servers
• Current Registrar
• The person or company who registers the DN
• To do this, they need to contact the Registrar of their choice.
o The company with whom the Registrant registers their DN. (Hosting company)
o The Registrar works with one or more Registries to offer different TLDs.
o The company responsible for a particular TLD, such ,.org, .
o The registry maintains the database for that TLD to ensure that there are no duplicate registrations.
• The various Registries and Registrars are all accredited by ICANN.
• ICANN stands for Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
• They are responsible for managing and coordinating the ovrerall DNS.
A Registrant (end user) usually registers DN through a Registrar. (Hosting companies act as registrars)
• Each name is unique.
• Propagation time for new registrations is 24-72 hours.
• WHOIS maintenance is the sole responsibility of the Registrant.
• WHOIS database will indicate the following important information:
• The Registrant
• Expiration Date
• Status
• Authoritative Name Servers
• Current Registrar
• The person or company who registers the DN
• To do this, they need to contact the Registrar of their choice.
o The company with whom the Registrant registers their DN. (Hosting company)
o The Registrar works with one or more Registries to offer different TLDs.
o The company responsible for a particular TLD, such ,.org, .
o The registry maintains the database for that TLD to ensure that there are no duplicate registrations.
• The various Registries and Registrars are all accredited by ICANN.
• ICANN stands for Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
• They are responsible for managing and coordinating the ovrerall DNS.
1. Registrant contacts Registrar
2. Registrar contacts Registry to see if DN is available.
3. Registry contacts Registrar to confirm availability.
4. Registrar contacts Registrant to confirm availability.
Updates and Changes
Any updates to the record need to be made through the Registrar.
The customer contacts the Registrar and provides new information. ( Usually done via a control panel)
The Registrar contacts the Registry with the updated information.
The Registry makes the requested change.
Transfer of Registration
• Registrants have the option of transferring their DN registration from one Registrar to another.
o Only after 60 days have passed from the initial creation date.
• Request for transfer must be made through the gaining Registrar.
• The losing Registrar must provide authorization for transfer.
o Authorization Code
• DN must be in an ACTIVE status.
• Transfer authorization is sent to the Administrative Contacts email address listed on the Registrants WHOIS record.
• ALL communication is sent to the Registrants Administrative Contacts email address
• Is a system that stores, and associates many types of information with domain names.
• It translates the domain name (computer hostnames) to IP addresses and vice versa.
DNS consists of three components:
o Domain Names
o Authoritative Name Servers
o Zone Files/Zone Records
Other Functions
o A domain alias allows you to point domain names to a domain name that has a hosting product.
o Aliases are NOT included with normal registration fees.
o An alias has the same zone file as the target domain name
Subdirectory DN's
• This feature allows you to create 3rd level domains that point to subdirectories of the corresponding 2nd level domain.
• Subdirectory DN's can be anything you want, such as:
• Forwarding allows you the ability to send all requests for one domain to another URL.
• By typing in and entering one name in a browser, you will be forwarded to a website with another domain name(URL or IP address)
1. Registrant contacts Registrar
2. Registrar contacts Registry to see if DN is available.
3. Registry contacts Registrar to confirm availability.
4. Registrar contacts Registrant to confirm availability.
Updates and Changes
Any updates to the record need to be made through the Registrar.
The customer contacts the Registrar and provides new information. ( Usually done via a control panel)
The Registrar contacts the Registry with the updated information.
The Registry makes the requested change.
Transfer of Registration
• Registrants have the option of transferring their DN registration from one Registrar to another.
o Only after 60 days have passed from the initial creation date.
• Request for transfer must be made through the gaining Registrar.
• The losing Registrar must provide authorization for transfer.
o Authorization Code
• DN must be in an ACTIVE status.
• Transfer authorization is sent to the Administrative Contacts email address listed on the Registrants WHOIS record.
• ALL communication is sent to the Registrants Administrative Contacts email address
• Is a system that stores, and associates many types of information with domain names.
• It translates the domain name (computer hostnames) to IP addresses and vice versa.
DNS consists of three components:
o Domain Names
o Authoritative Name Servers
o Zone Files/Zone Records
Other Functions
o A domain alias allows you to point domain names to a domain name that has a hosting product.
o Aliases are NOT included with normal registration fees.
o An alias has the same zone file as the target domain name
Subdirectory DN's
• This feature allows you to create 3rd level domains that point to subdirectories of the corresponding 2nd level domain.
• Subdirectory DN's can be anything you want, such as:
• Forwarding allows you the ability to send all requests for one domain to another URL.
• By typing in and entering one name in a browser, you will be forwarded to a website with another domain name(URL or IP address)