Free Hosting - Bad Idea For Your Website

In terms of price, there are two types of hosting available in the market, paid web hosting and free web hosting. It is understandable that as an individual you are very easy to be attracted by the nice word "free". However, as the saying goes, there is no such thing as free lunch. When comes to free web hosting, you need to pay full attention to figure out if there is any hidden fees or not. Besides this concern, it is a bad idea to host your website with free web hosting service because of its following pitfalls.

Free Hosting - Bad Idea For Your Website

1. With free hosting, your server is overloaded with many other free hosting accounts. It is hard to guarantee your CPU and bandwidth since dozens of websites on the same server fight against each other for CPU and bandwidth. You can image the result of your website: visitors are hard to get access to your website.

2. Low disk space allocated. You usually get a very small amount of space that not sufficient for your business expansion with free hosting accounts. Only a small traffic is supported. If there is a lot of traffic, you site is of high likely to go down. It is impossible for you to display your products or service with large pictures or video files.

3. Limited website tools. You are provided with limited tools to set up your website with a free hosting account. For example, you may have no permission to use FTP to transfer your files from or to the server. Many scripts, like PHP script and database, like MySQL may not supported, therefore you will not able to run a forum on your website.

4. You have little control. Many free hosting services require you to display banner ads, pop-up windows on your site. Nothing is annoying than these totally unrelated ads for your visitors! If you are lucky enough, you may come across companies who give you free hosting without any advertising at all. However, they might try to converting you to pay their service in the future because they need to make money. If you do not pay for it, your account could be in danger, for example, they may delete your account.

5. No customer support. With a free web hosting, it is hard for you when a problem raises you have no one to turn to. If they offer any support, this service usually is poor. The staff is not professional and it will also take you a lot of time waiting for them to solve any issue.

6. No domain name. You are not allowed to use your own domain name; only sub-domain name under that company is provided. You can image how hard for you to establish your business since no domain also means you cannot have your email address of your domain and it is also hard for the search engines to index your site.

7. Insecurity. The internet security firm, Websense Security Labs said: Hackers are using free websites to distribute malware, spyware, and viruses at a greatly increasing frequency. Therefore, website hosted with free web hosting service not only has no credibility but insecurity as well.

8. Not reliable. Free hosting services could go out of business at any time. You will never know when your provider is going to close the service. No one expect the website with your longtime efforts just disappear over one night. Free is not a very sustainable business model since no guarantee is promised.

If you are really caring about your online presence and your business, I recommend you choose a professional hosting. If you've decided to purchase professional hosting, hostease offer share web hosting with basic plan, blog plan, business plan, as well as dedicated server. Hope you good luck!