Web Hosting - Deciding on a Web Hosting Account

When you are ready to create a new website the first place you start is by getting a domain name. Once your domain name is picked out you have to find a place to host it. Usually the company that provides domain name services will also offer web hosting services. The immediate idea is to just host your website with the domain name registration company. A lot of people choose this route because its just easy to do.

Web Hosting - Deciding on a Web Hosting Account

You should really consider hosting your website with a company that is dedicated to web hosting. Making the decision on a web host based just on price can be a problem. There are a ton of web hosting companies on the internet and a lot of people just want a simple answer. When you actually get your hosting account you find that you are not getting the features and support that you expected. When you try to get to your website you find error messages about database connection problems. When you log into your hosting account you notice that the software versions are old and outdated.

Some companies providing basic web hosting services are not providing the most features for the money. They are just providing the bare minimum services for the low price. When you are choosing a company to host your site compare site features before you buy. If you are going to be running popular blog software like WordPress make sure that they are offering the latest versions and have an easy way to update the software. If you are going to be using dynamic scripting languages check the support for php and mysql. In addition, check the limits on bandwidth, the number of domains you are allowed to have under your account, and the number of databases. Some web hosting companies have unlimited domains and mysql databases. If you are going to be creating a lot of websites then you should pay close attention to these limits.

When you are just signing up with a new company you should think about keeping the initial term short. Some companies offer incentives for you to purchase longer term deals for hosting and offer you a discount. If you keep the hosting term short you can really test out the systems before really committing to them. Switching web hosting companies can be pain, but you want to get the best value for your needs. Make sure to check the internet for new promo codes that can save money.