What Is a Domain and Why Should You Get One?

We are going to explain why it is important to get a domain and more important is to get the right domain name for what your site is going to be about. The Online World known as "the Internet" is just about the busiest place in the world. There are millions of websites for us to surf around when we want to buy something or simply learn about something or someone. People who want to attract your attention have something to share and they can share it with you through their domain where their website lives.

What Is a Domain and Why Should You Get One?

Let us break down just what a domain is. It is a unique address, one that only you will have. It is the part of the address you see in the web browser that is after the www.
The domain name will consist of two parts.

Part one is the actual name you choose for the website, this can be up to 63 characters long. This is known as the second level domain
Part two is what comes after your name and the.(dot) this is the extension, known as the top level domain (TLD) such .

So, the name you see between the first and second dot is the name you chose. The www shows it is a website on the World Wide Web, and the dot com is the top level domain or the extension..
Let me share a little side information about domain names and why they came about.
Everyone who uses a computer and is hooked into the internet through a service provides will have their own distinct set of numbers called the IP (Internet Provider) address.

Your IP address will be something like: Now that is a long cumbersome number to remember and send people to right? So they came up with the Domain Name System (DNS) that translates letters to words.

You go to a place like Domain Cheapsters or GoDaddy and register a domain and they take care of the rest.

When looking into a domain address and name for your site it is important to target the words in the site name that people are searching for. This is called a keyword. Another reason why we want to target specific keywords is that it will help with search engine ranking and that will get you more traffic (people) to come to your site. It is best to have the exact term for the domain and for your website.

Say you are selling gerbils? You could go for a name of We sell  and your site would be the same. We Sell Gerbils. It is important to buy a name with the exact keyword people are looking for, because it will allow for higher rankings with Google, Bing and MSN. That is after all the goal: the higher you rank on the page, the more traffic you get.

Now you can see why it is so important to choose a name for the domain you will own wisely. The name of your domain is your web address and this needs to show what your site is about.
A name of your domain is the name you will come up with, everything else in that address is what drives it. It is the URL and contains the specific address, protocol language, machine name and folder.

So remember, a domain name is probably one of the most important parts of a good website and it can brand you for life, just look at EBay, Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Domains are like virtual real estate. If you get traffic or people to them and show it can make money then it becomes worth more and more. People pay large sums of money for a good established site with a good domain name.

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