It may interest you to know that so many people setup blogs and yet not all are able to generate good money from their blogs.
Setting up a blog or a website can be a means of generating extra income for those who are employed and can also be a full time job to the unemployed. For starters, the first step is to setup a blog that is, if you haven't setup one but if you have a blog and no income is coming forth from it then, here are 5 simple ways that you can use to start generating instant cash from your blog;
1. Pay Per Click (PPC): this is a program that provides you an
Setting up a blog or a website can be a means of generating extra income for those who are employed and can also be a full time job to the unemployed. For starters, the first step is to setup a blog that is, if you haven't setup one but if you have a blog and no income is coming forth from it then, here are 5 simple ways that you can use to start generating instant cash from your blog;
1. Pay Per Click (PPC): this is a program that provides you an
opportunity to make money by placing adverts on the web pages of your blogsite or website. You make money from this program when a visitor to your website clicks on the advert on your webpage.
2. Affiliate Marketing: this is another unique way to make money from blogs. It simply means selling other people's product for a commission. You help them promote their products on your website or blogs by using banners or writing articles and reviews.
3. Selling or flipping of website: this is a system whereby you register a domain name on a particular niche and host it. Then you setup a blog on your domain name or design a webpage and upload it. (if you don't know how to do this you can hire a freelancer. The next thing you do is to promote it by driving traffic to your blog. when your website start generating income you can sell/flip it at a higher price
4. Pay Per Lead (PPL): this is also similar to PPC. How it works is by referring people to a particular website from your own website or blog. When the person registers, you get paid for it. This is done by placing a unique URL. Given to you by PPL program or vendor
5. Sell An E-book: you can use your blog site to generate instant cash by selling e-books or videos.
2. Affiliate Marketing: this is another unique way to make money from blogs. It simply means selling other people's product for a commission. You help them promote their products on your website or blogs by using banners or writing articles and reviews.
3. Selling or flipping of website: this is a system whereby you register a domain name on a particular niche and host it. Then you setup a blog on your domain name or design a webpage and upload it. (if you don't know how to do this you can hire a freelancer. The next thing you do is to promote it by driving traffic to your blog. when your website start generating income you can sell/flip it at a higher price
4. Pay Per Lead (PPL): this is also similar to PPC. How it works is by referring people to a particular website from your own website or blog. When the person registers, you get paid for it. This is done by placing a unique URL. Given to you by PPL program or vendor
5. Sell An E-book: you can use your blog site to generate instant cash by selling e-books or videos.