10 Components of Blog Construction

A blog is your virtual piece of real estate. Your home to invite people to come and get to know you. You want to give value to your visitors. Provide for them opportunities to follow you and request additional information.

10 Components of Blog Construction

Your blog should express who you are. Give an insight to your readers what you are all about. Building trust and relationships with them. Adding these characteristics of blog construction to your blog, readers will get to know you more on a personal level.

1. Domain Name

The #1 product you want to promote is YOU! So why not use your name and be branded?
If you have a common name, be creative and use your name as part of the domain name. Example: workwithjohnsmith.

2. Theme

Let your personality show through your theme; however, stay professional. We are building a business here. As you may see from my blog, I use a lot of pink and hearts. My birthday is on Valentine's Day. What a great way to brand myself.

Stay within the same theme throughout all of your production of videos and power point presentations. People will start to associate your theme to you.

3. Social Media and RSS Buttons

Give your reader the opportunity to follow you. Providing social media buttons allows your reader to connect with you through all your social media sites.
The RSS button is used so your readers can receive notification of updates and new blog posts. Just another way to connect with your readers and build that relationship.

4. Pages

There is a difference between blog posts and pages. Blog posts are archived in a chronological order. Pages are static and appears as tabs at the top of your blog.
Use an "About Me" page to tell your story. Make a connection with your readers on an emotional level. Let them know that you are human so readers can relate to your experiences. Be sure to also add a "Contact Me" page.

5. Signature Line

Your signature is your seal of approval and guarantee that the content on your blog post is of value. Everyone's signature is different, revealing yet another personality trait. There are programs where you can actually capture your own handwritten signature.
Utilize a salutation to say farewell to your guests. Inviting them to come again soon. Another opportunity to show your creativity. Examples, Leaving No Network Marketer Behind, Together We Shall All Succeed.

Your blog will always be a work in progress. As you continue to gain knowledge, you will want to share that knowledge with the world. However, do not forget why we are in business - to make money. Add these characteristics to monetize your blog and continue to build relationships.

1. Affiliate Program Links

Affiliate programs is the number one way to monetize your blog. Utilizing these buttons is a passive way to promote your affiliates, tools and additional training. Include your primary's link as well.
You can still generate sales even if no one signs up with you. This is just another opportunity for you to make money while prospecting.

2. Opt-in Form

Include an opt-in form to capture names, numbers and email addresses from your visitors. Provide free training or eBook to get them to leave their contact information.
Once you have their information, now you have your reader's permission to send them additional content via email. Do not send spam, continue to provide valuable content.

3. Compelling Offer

Place a final paragraph to your blog post with a compelling offer. This offer is your opportunity to direct your readers to the opt-in form.
Take time and work on your offer to attract leads, build your list, and monetize your blog. As long as you have permission, again without spamming, provide offers for your leads to purchase from you. Again, monetize as your prospect.

4. Post Script aka P.S.

Utilize a P.S. to invite your readers to work with you personally. Insert a call to action link to your lead capture page.
Another creative way to entice people to leave their contact information. More people equals more sales.

5. Bookmark and Share Button

Promote your blog post to all your social media sites. Bookmark and share button is a a one-stop submission tool. Just click on the link and instantly share with 39 sites.

When your visitors also click on the Bookmark and Share button, they will be submitting your post to all of their social media sites. Great way to generate a lot of back links to your post.
BONUS TIP: You want comments on your blog. Therefore, you will want to add one more component: A Comment Request.

This is another call to action. At the bottom of your post, ask your readers -- "Have something to add? Please leave your comment below."

Be creative and have just have fun with your blog. Your blog is the central hub of your marketing efforts. Create that safe place for your visitors to come and get to know you.