Avoid Registering Domain Names Like This When Flipping Websites

Chances are, you've come to this page after doing a search for tips on registering domain names when flipping websites. So here's a piece of solid advice for you: getting a good name is the first crucial step to buying and selling websites profitably.

So, what makes a good or bad domain name to register?

Well for one, you'd do best to stay away from those that don't end ,.org  as buyers rarely look past these three top-level domains. You also don't want to use hyphens and numbers in your site name. Instead of adding significance to your website, unnecessary symbols like hyphens and numbers can bring down value.

Other than that, a long name, specifically one that exceeds 20 characters, can also lessen your chances of a sale. So as much as you want to attract instant attention with a domain like , maybe you'd get more inquiries for your listing with .

You also don't want to make the domain too specific, as that will limit the number of potential buyers. The more generic the name, the greater its possible mass appeal will be and the more interested buyers you'll attract. Oh, and make sure you get the spelling right! Misspelled words can be useful for search blunders, sure, but they are still an eyesore when used on the actual website name.

And while you make the domain short, generic, and correctly spelled, you also shouldn't forget about including a keyword. Further, getting the exact keyword would definitely be a huge plus. For instance,  is good enough but  is the better option between the two.

Lastly, do yourself a favor and avoid registering domain names that make use of trademark terms. Not only will you drive away potential buyers, but you'll likely get a nice cease and desist letter from a lawyer.

By following these simple rules, you'll get your websites started on the right foot and you'll be one step ahead of your competition.