Free Internet Domain Names - Do They Exist?

An individual or a business doesn't exist to the online global community unless you have a domain name and a web host. A website cannot be viewed if you only have one of the two. If you already have a web host provider, then you'd need a domain name in order for you to have an address where internet users can locate your website. But beginners and those who have financial issues opt for a more economic solution - acquiring free internet domain names. Getting a free domain name is quite practical, especially if you have some issues that you need to consider. It's free, and the providers make sure to make your URLs as short as possible, making it easy to remember.

There are three kinds of free internet domain names. They are:

o Third Level Domain - these are domains distributed by free web hosting companies or affiliates. Your domain name would appear with the hosting company's as the URL.

o First Level Domains that contains an extension that is not as popular in the internet. These domains allow long, free domain names to be short and memorable.

o Free Domain names with popular extensions - these can be acquired with patience as they can be tedious to find. Most of the time, these free domains are offered by domain owners because they are about to expire.

Free domain names have downsides, as well. Since these free domain name providers depend on their advertisers for revenue, you will have no control over the advertisements that will be displayed on the website. But those can be overlooked and tolerated as it will not affect your website's display and traffic.